Extra! Extra! The Homemade Illustrator

I'm starting a series, friends. This is so I can share what I've learned, as well as start a community and encourage each other as artists, humans, and working folks. If you know me, I LOVE talking about the messy parts of life. I love what they teach us. So this series won't hold back, but I aim to make it fun. Fun and messy!

Please share with any creatives who might be interested. I'm also very open to topics such as "how to's" or discussing the freelance business, and also the emotional stuff that comes along with the freelance path. Oh goodness, I can talk about that forevah!!

TLDR: Let's start yappin' n' sharin'! I'm excited to take this journey with you.

Love, Annie

Annie is an author and illustrator with books available on Amazon and local book stores. She is open for commission, too! She lives in California, and loves tea, bike rides, reading, and exploring new places.