I've been doing a lot of listening lately. I've read books on learning new techniques, spent time quietly sitting in cafes, I've absorbed and consumed experiences and materials that inspire me and teach me something, and I've taken a lot of alone time for myself. I am in a short intermission of "digestion".
Because of this I haven't wanted to blog, write, push a message, or even make anything new. My dad askes me if I've been working on any new music and I have to shake my head sadly. No. No, I have nothing to say right now.
But that's ok because I'm listening.
Listening helps you reconnect with what you want. And usually we choose to listen after some detremental or unfortunate event. There's nothing like a struggle to make us shut up and start looking for some answers. But what if there is no answer? What if there is only the truth?
When I read I am constantly in love with people and what they have to share... but they don't have answers. In this day and age (gosh I sound old) we are bombarded with imagry and advertisments that scream at us with solutions. The tech industry, where I work, is a conglomerate of companies that solve various "problems". But what if we had to solve our own problems? Would we still see them all as problems after sitting with them for a while? Were they ever problems to begin with?
I like listening because it reminds me of this truth- that my problems are not, in fact, problems, but chances to create, learn, or share something.
Reccommended reading- http://peacefulrivers.homestead.com/maryoliver.html (Best read aloud so as to enjoy the textures!)
Here are some sexy photos I took omy first block printing adventure. I highly suggest trying something new and pretending like you're an expert by taking high quality photos of the event. It's just too easy.
Used the "easy to cut" rubber speedball linocut look-a-like to make my print.
Spread paint out on a plastic palette with the Brayer.
Rolled on that paint!
Ancient technique of pressing the paint on with special spoon.
By golly, it worked!
Painted in a couple details.
Finished art!