I had so much anxiety making this little trailer, guys. I realize that anytime I am making something with a set of skills that are out of my wheelhouse, I freak out. I guess I really like doing the things I know I CAN do. Who's with me?
But I keep pushing myself to learn something new because the shaking, quaking, and josstling of my routine and habits make me feel much more capable on the other end. So is that the key? Do the things that freak you out and you'll be stronger once you move through it?
I guess so, yes. Weird!
Please enjoy the trailer, please share with everyone you know. This helps me so much to get the word out there as a debut picture book author. Let's encourage each other to try new things and do the things that light us up. Let's make that phone call and just say hi. Let's get outside for that extra walk. It's so worth it.
Love, Annie