I shared the news with my newsletter list. Yep! I am pregnant! It’s very exciting, but it’s also why I literally hid for the last few months. First of all, I didn’t feel well for the last 6 weeks, but now I’m pretty much back to normal. I mean, I still need a good nap every day but hey… There’s also that feeling of not wanting to share the news until you know the baby will still be there, that everything will be healthy and good and right. So you wait. Even though you want to tell everyone that your life is changing!!
We also moved this last months, which is always big, but this time around I had a husband and we moved together. I felt more support that most other moves. We love our new place and I am grateful every day I wake up here.
My new home office.
All this said, it’s been a heck of a year so far, and I honestly have not been pressuring myself to write much or paint/draw/doodle/create unless it feels right. We only have so much energy, and isn’t this what growing up means? Honoring your energy and taking care of yourself? Yes, I think so. :)
We also had a major bummer with the Expansion pack. Carrie and I were so eager to share the deck that we had made an announcement that it would be for sale April 7th, but then we got the cards from our warehouse, fresh off the shipping boat, and they didn’t match the Spacious Tarot deck. Gahhhh!!! This was so important to us, that the cards would seamlessly mix with the tarot deck. Well, we did another printing, and asked for expedited shipping. And we learned that you need to ask for proofs, ALWAYS, even if it seems like you wouldn’t need them because you’ve printed the same darn image several times before. Why would it suddenly look different? Because. Because life!
The cards are looking great, though! They will be out Summer 2022. thespacioustarot.com
I am adding some new original artwork to my store over the next few weeks. I plan on doing some collections and creating greeting cards with the block prints that I’ve made in the past.
Here’s to creating often, living fully alive, and staying open!
New originals in my “store”. :)