Energy of Creation

The last weeks I had some HUGE dips in energy and a hormonal wave that took my by surprise. Hello, pregnancy! After talking to some herbalists and my midwives, they suggested some supplements to help me out and they worked almost instantly. Now I’m back to feeling pretty good, but I do need that afternoon nap here and there!

While experiencing my energy drain out of me last week, I made this painting about pregnancy.

It feels like a universe is forming inside of me- something I don’t yet understand. I’m more in touch with my female body than I have EVER experienced before but I still have no idea what’s going on.

Flowers look different to me and fruit carries a new meaning. I think of the Empress card different (in the traditional RWS deck and the Spacious Tarot). I also sense that my energy is poured simultaneously into my womb, and also out to the cosmic spiritual energy around me. I really do feel like a vessel- slightly out of control but eager to be here. I’m here to keep up with it all and find all the ways to nourish this little baby as it forms and gets ready to be a part of this world.

So, you’re probably realizing that I’m having a major spiritual experience with this pregnancy, right? Um…just a little. ;) I’m constantly blown away. My husband recently showed me images of the universe from the new Webb telescope. Not only is the telescope awe inspiring, but the images that it’s picking up from space is moving my soul deeply. It’s sublime! All those galaxies! How small we are, yet how complex. How vast the universe is (as we see it) and how complex. My mind cannot do anything with this information except for feel so much love and awe. Same with this child that’s growing every day in my womb, without me having ever done it before. My body KNOWS how to do it. The universe KNOWS.

I’ll end my awkward ode to Creation there. Lots of love,
