I might have spoke too soon! Although the first half of July was quiet and piggybacking on a very serene Summer, once Carrie and I launched the new Expansion Pack, all of that serenity fled FAST. What I love about The Spacious Tarot business, is that the names reflect the theme of the project. Where the Spacious Tarot deck taught us to not rush, to be spacious with our creativity and time, the Expansion pack has been all about getting OUT OF OUR COMFORT ZONE and expanding into a new paradigm.
I’ve learned that things do not work out perfectly. Chaos is not a bad thing. Growth requires hard work and struggling with new information. I tell you- meditation and prayer has been my saving grace during all of this. Thank you insight timer app!
In the meantime, I’ve been painting a bit with my sister. We’re working on a large canvas for the babe. It’s a medieval theme, to accompany his Arthurian decorations that’ll go around his crib. His nursery will also function as a library for Dad, me, and baby, so it’s not so cutsie, but more…literary. I’m having fun, and when he’s older, he can choose whatever theme he wants, and I’ll paint a mural on the wall.
Dragons and Unicorns and forest animals! We are using the “scumbling technique” to get an “old world look”.
My happy place.
It’s HAWT here! Upwards of 95-100 degrees every day for all of July and into August, and my studio is a little oven. I call it that, actually, my little art oven. I have a tiny swamp cooler that’s almost a joke but does keep me cool until about 2pm. Then Hades officially visits me and I must leave the art oven or else melt into an artist puddle.
My art oven. Note the swamp cooler to the right of the desk. Art on the shelves are by some dear friends!
This book is heavy, but Alison is one of my favorite comic artists out there. This is the third book of hers that I’ve read and she is a master!
Next week I’ll be exploring a topic that I care deeply about: getting OFF social media. Can it be done? Is it realistic for an artist these days, who is trying to market their books and art? We shall see what the research says!