Hello from the other side! (Love you, Adele)
We made it! Birth was hard but surprisingly doable. The body takes over and you just have to let go. But postpartum recovery was tough and I wasn’t so graceful, to be honest. I wanted to DO EVERYTHING because that’s what I was used to, and I was irritable all the time. …. Next time I will lay in bed for two weeks and rest so I can keep my sanity. Good golly my husband needs this.
Enough about that. Motherhood has brought transformation in so many ways. I'm being reborn as a mother, as a do-less kind of woman, as a meditator, as a creative wanderer, as a dreamer (lots of weird dreams, too), as an admirer, and as an artist once again. At first I couldn’t find time to draw, now I am finding myself as I draw.
A few days ago I journaled about the heavier feelings of early motherhood. I LOVE being a mom, and I adore my child, but these early months can be painful with all the hormones, lack of sleep, and having to learn to breastfeed. Wonderfully, once these feelings were out on paper, they evaporated and I felt a lightness. Thank you pen and paper for being my therapist. I also sketched a magical village that I envision for an old picture book story. It has been over 10 years since it first visited me, and now it’s making an appearance in my sketchbook with new façades.
This Winter I am invested in:
Reading with baby
Playing with baby
Researching new recipes
Resting deeply
Moving consciously
Creating with wonder and curiosity
I’ve had a few family members that are experiencing hard times. I know this season is difficult for many reasons, and I encourage you to reach out to your loved ones and check in on them. And if you’re feeling dumpy, let someone know. Swallow some Vitamin D, go for a walk and take some deep breaths. I swear this all helps a TON. Lots of hugs and see you soon.