Been reading a LOT about digestion lately. The idea of cycles keeps coming up, especially "optimal windows" of eating, resting, and detoxing throughout the day. It goes as follows:
4am-12pm is detox
12pm-8pm is appropriation
8pm-4am is assimilation
I feel like creativity mirrors digestion. You consume, process, then create, and it's definitely a cycle. But one thing I ALWAYS forget, is that space and rest is so so so important to the digestive system. If you're eating all day long, or too much, you can get constipated and tired or even put on some pounds. The body needs time to process everything, just like our creative minds do too.
My daily work habits suck. I will work myself silly for 8-10 hours, staring into the drawing tablet and forgetting to take walks. I'll deny myself myself time to oogle works by my favorite artists in order to get the job done, rather than fill myself up with some necessary inspiration.
And what about that detox, eh? What about getting rid of what we don't need? I always felt like elimination was the "creation" part, but now I'm thinking that detox is a totally different part of the creative cycle. It's reflection. It's doing things with friends. It's NOT creating. It's living and being and letting go and just...not doing.
If you want to read more about all this, you can check out this site for a run down of the cycles.
I wish you some space for your creative cycles, and that you ask yourself, what stage am I in? When is the best time during the day for me to create, rest, and allow for inspiration? Can I allow for more space for myself? You gotta, my loves! It's time to shine.
Annie is an author and illustrator with books available on Amazon and local book stores. She is open for commission, too! She lives in California, and loves tea, bike rides, reading, and exploring new places.